Sunday, November 25, 2012

{My Thoughts} Lady Of The Lake

I am SO sorry that it's been so long since I've posted anything! I had written this post the week Lady of the Lake (S2 E3) aired but never got around to collecting the pictures and so I never posted it. There aren't a ton of pictures because I didn't have a lot of time but here you go, enjoy, and I hopefully I can catch up on my posting! ~Megan

Major spoilers for Lady of the Lake... You've been warned!

Ahhh!!! Leader Charming! <3 Makes me think of the Round Table scene in the Pilot when they're discussing what to do about Regina's threat..

Snow: "How close is his army?"
*arrow flies through roof of tent*
Charming: "I'd say pretty close."

"Name's Lancelot." Couldn't help but think of the I Love Lucy episode when Lucy wrote an operetta and one of the songs was: "I am the good prince Lancelot. I love to sing and dance a lot." Haha ;)

No! Emma, don't trust Cora!! Ahhh! Snow better wake up soon so she can warn Emma away! "The apple fell very far from the tree." Seriously? Somebody slap Cora for me please!
Emma! Listen to you mom! She knows first-hand how untrustworthy Cora can be.... (See The Stable Boy for that story.) "Don't talk to her!"

Henry: "So what's on the agenda for Operation Scorpion?" I love his code names for everything.
Charming: "It will require magic, Henry, and magic-"
Henry: "Always comes with a price. I read the book, you know."

I love when Charming says, "Go to school where I know you'll be safe." Like Henry will actually just standby and do nothing... while his mom and grandmother are trapped in a "sucking, airless void." (Remember, Regina and Rumple are the only ones in Storybrooke that know the Enchanted Forest still exists.)

Snow: "Lancelot!"
Emma: "Lancelot, really?" LOL

Ugh! Get over yourself, Aurora! Is anyone else completely annoyed by her? (Besides Mulan, that is.)

Mulan: "It's dangerous to confuse vengeance with justice." Very true.

Haha! Love Emma's face! "What the hell is that?"
"One part lion, one part serpent, one part goat." Uhh...I think I'm gonna be sick. Yuck!

Snow: "I don't understand. We were told this land didn't even exist anymore." Yeah, and when has Regina ever been completely honest?

Lancelot: "The ogres have returned."
Emma: "Ogres? Like as in 'fee-fi-fo-fum'?"
Snow: "Those would be giants."
Totally reminded me of Snow Falls when Snow warns Charming about the trolls and he's like, "Aren't they just little people?"  Snow:"You're thinking of dwarfs."

Snow: "I don't care what you do to me, I will NEVER tell you where he is!"
I've never liked King George and now I dislike him even more! Ugh! I get he's upset because Charming wouldn't go along with his plan but still...

Emma: "I want my gun. Give it back."
Mulan: "Is it magic?"
Emma: "That depends on who's pulling the trigger."

Emma: "Wardrobe? THE WARDROBE? Like, the wardrobe that sent little baby me to Maine?"

Henry: "Vault? Her vault is here?" Hmm, guess we know where he's going next!

Jefferson! Just go see your daughter! I feel sorry for Grace...

Aww, I actually think I like Regina now that she's not all Evil Queen-ish.

Emma: "If we're hiding from ogres, shouldn't we maybe - I don't know - not start a fire?"
Snow: "Ogres are blind. They hunt by sound alone."
Emma: "Right, because that's something everyone would know about ogres."

I love Ruth! She's so sweet! :)

Oh my word! Wasn't expecting that! Poor Ruth! I'm about to cry...

Aurora is driving me crazy! Haha, loved when Snow flipped her flat on her back.

Didn't we just see this in A Land Without Magic? "And, yes, she was beyond hope, beyond saving. This was her end."

Emma: "How did you know you could hit that?"
Snow: "I didn't."

No, no, no!! Charming looks so distraught... This is heartbreaking.

I love how Ruth is so sweet to Snow.

Okay, I'm sorry... but I really don't like Aurora.

Snow: "Yeah, that's our home."

My question was the same as Snow's - "Where's the lake?"

Charming: "Maybe we should've gone with Operation Viper." Ahh, perfect timing... and of course Henry would open THAT box.

Aww, Charming's taking responsibility for the lake being dry because he killed the siren (see S1E13 What Happened to Frederick).

Ruth: "I want you to have it - that last sip of water. I want you to drink it."

Snow: "I won't let you give your life for this."
Ruth: "That's what parents do, they put their children first."

It sad seeing Snow back at the castle... "I never thought I'd see this place again."
Snow: "I was going to teach you how to walk in here, how to talk, how to dress for your first ball. You never got to do any of it. We never got to be a family." Aww....

Loved getting to see Charming and Snow's real wedding!

Oh my... totally crying right now.. Charming's face.. :(

Snow: "Stay away from him, Emma. He's not who he says he is." Emma: "What are you talking about? Who the hell is he?" CORA!!

Wow, I'm a bit surprise Cora didn't fight more. I supposed she realized she couldn't really get anywhere with the wardrobe since it was on fire.

Snow: "I'm so sorry. She was all the family you had left." Charming: "No, I still have you." :)

Snow: "We're going to have a child!" Charming: "What?" Snow: "We're going to have a child!" Charming: "Is there something I need to know?" Haha

Snow: "Ruth only pretended to drink the water. She had you put it in the wedding chalice so I would drink it. That's how King George's curse was broken, wasn't it?" Lancelot: "I have no idea what you're talking about."

Aurora: "Who's going to lead us - you?" Mulan: "No. *looks at Snow* Her."

Mulan: "We'll help you. We'll find another way. Won't we?" Aurora: "Yes, perhaps it will help me channel my anger." Finally! I might actually be able to like Aurora now.

Emma: "I'm sorry I torched our ride home I couldn't let her get to Henry. I just--" Snow: "You had to put Henry first." Emma: "I was angry for so long, wondering how you could choose to let me grow up without you. But then, just seeing all of this... You gave up everything for me and you're still doing that."

Emma: "I guess I'm not used to someone putting me first." Snow: "Well, get used to it."


Jefferson finally went see Grace!

Charming: "Yeah, you're the grandson of a prince. I think it's about time you learned how to use a sword."

Henry: "Can you teach me how to fight a dragon?" Charming: "We'll work our way up to it."


LOVED this episode - definitely one of my favorites! :) We got to see Ruth again (and she was so sweet to Snow), Snow and Charming's real wedding. Charming's on a mission to get his wife and daughter back, Emma and Snow fought an ogre, Henry found Regina's vault, Snow and Emma found the wardrobe, Jefferson found his daughter, and Henry's learning how to swordfight.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Can't Wait For 'Broken'!!

Less than a week until the first episode of season two (titled 'Broken') premires!!! 7pm CT on September 30, 2012 on ABC! Don't miss it!!

AMCWAP: Picture Collages

Made a few new ONCE collages. One of them is already up on the AMCWAP blog and two more will be posted later. Check them out at!

Friday, September 21, 2012

It's Really Been THAT Long??

It has been almost a month since I've even logged on to Google/Blogger. Say WHAT???? I'm so so sorry! With season two being only nine days away, I will do my best to make up for the month I've missed while (hopefully) adding to the building excitement for Once Upon A Time's second season. I'm planning on rewatching some season one episodes, gathering pictures and quotes, making collages... Hopefully I'll be able to get lots of season one stuff done before 'Broken' airs on the 30th!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Google+...And a Quick ONCE / AMCWAP Update

Just joined Google+. Feel free to add me to your circles if you're on there too. Leave me a message telling me you read my blogs and I'll add you to mine! :)
I'm still trying to figure out how everything works over there so if any of you have tips... PLEASE SHARE!!! Thanks!

*Note: I know I haven't posted much recently... So sorry! I'm planning on doing the Pilot full dialog this week and that will be posted on AMCWAP as soon as I finish typing it up! Also, season two is all set to premiere on ABC September 30 at 7pm (CT)! Don't forget! :) It's going to be amazing! Just think of all the reunions we'll get to see....I'm excited for Snow and Charming to meet up with Emma! And Jefferson and Grace! What about Abigail...? Ahh, yikes! Do we want to see when she and Snow meet? Haha! Esp if Charming's there...

You all have a wonderful night and I'll talk to you soon! Hope to see you on GooglePlus soon! :)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

New Blog Posts Coming On AMCWAP!

Hey, I know it's been so long... but I have posts coming! I promise they are! One tomorrow and then I've already made a birthday collage for Lana Parrilla as her birthday is coming soon. So, new post sometime on the 13th and then one on Lana's birthday (the 15th). Be sure to check AllMagicComesWithAPrice tomorrow! :) Sorry it's taking so long between posts! And the Prince Charming character collage is still unfinished. Maybe that will be up next week or so.. I will try to find time to do that relatively soon!

And if you haven't seen our Once Upon A Time icons, you should totally check those out! Just click here to see them!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Once Upon A Time Icons!

Hey, hey! We now have a collection of ONCE icons over on AllMagicComesWithAPrice. We only have 10 right now but I promise you more are coming soon!! :)

CLICK HERE to check them out!

-More icons have been added!!
-If you have a suggestion for an icon, feel free to leave a comment (either here on this post or on the "Icon" page at AMCWAP) and I'll see what I can do.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Heart of Darkness

Ahh!! One of my favorite epis!!! :D Here's a few quotes:

"The answer to everything isn't always in Operation Cobra."

"If you take that weapon, you go alone." "That was always my plan."

"Everything comes with a price with you."

"How can she remember who you are when she's lost sight of who she is?"

"But I don't love you. I don't even remember you."

"As I recall, you don't exactly approve of my methods." "I approve of your results."

Friday, June 15, 2012

AMCWAP Updates

New characters have been added to the character list!!
What Happened to Frederick quotes have been posted!!

So head on over to and check it out! :)

Also, do you think I should put a small picture next to the characters' names? Just to make it easier to know who is who. Let me know what you think by leaving a comment below.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Rewatching the Pilot

I know I've watched this episode SO many times... How is it that I still squeal when Charming tells Snow, "Well, you never have to worry. I will always find you."?

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Wow, I can't believe it's been over a week since I've posted... So sorry! AMCWAP should have a new post up soon! Madison has been due to post What Happened to Frederick quotes for a LONG time now. She should be doing that tomorrow, though. And I'm still working on pictures from the Pilot. I'm also going to do a full dialog of the Pilot like I did with A Land Without Magic' so be sure to watch for that as well!!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Season One Pilot/Finale

Okay, so I kind of just realized that I never got pictures or quotes from the pilot. I'm actually working on that right now! And then I still haven't done pictures for the finale so I'm going to be doing that pretty soon, too. Then....I got a brilliant idea: a photo collage mash-up of the pilot and the finale. Esp since the finale did flashbacks to the pilot. Yeah, it's gonna be awesome! :) Not sure when I'll actually get it done but it's coming!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

New Stuff on AMCWAP

Okay, complete season one episode list has been posted on AllMagicComesWithAPrice! >>CLICK HERE<<

And... a list of characters has also been posted. It is still incomplete but it'll have to do for now. All of the regulars are on there and several guest stars. >>CHECK IT OUT<< First comes a list of all the characters. And then, if you scroll down (or use the handy links to jump), characters are organized into lists of the ones are in both Fairytale Land and Storybrooke, the ones only in Fairytale Land, and the ones only in Storybrooke.

7:15am pictures will be up in about two minutes! :) Enjoy!!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Working On It...

Hey, okay! So I tried to do a post on AMCWAP for Ginny Goodwin's birthday (yeah, my post was like, two days late) but I couldn't get the picture the right way. At first it wouldn't upload...then it was blurry. So yeah, and my time was limited then but I've got lots of time now! :) It's prob not a big deal but I was in a rush so I could've saved it in the wrong format or something. It'll be up soon!! (Hopefully!)

5:12 PM
It's up!! :) >>Check it out!<<

Thursday, May 24, 2012

A Week?!?

Yeah, sorry it's been a while since I've posted anything.. Hopefully I'll be able to get back into blogging some more this coming week. Haven't had any new posts on AMCWAP either... sometime soon, though! :)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

New Posts On AMCWAP

Three new posts in one day?! Say what? Yep! Two about 'A Land Without Magic' and one with pictures from 'The Stable Boy.' Be sure to head over to to check it out!

AMCWAP: A Land Without Magic

Just posted the full dialog of ONCE's season finale on AMCWAP! CLICK HERE to read it!

A post of quotes will be posted later tonight.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

AMCWAP: Character Collages

Just posted a collage of pictures of Emma Swan! CLICK HERE to see it! :) I'm planning on (eventually) doing collages of all of the characters. Emma's my fav so I started with her. Up next: Snow White / Mary Margaret, then Charming / David... I'm thinking I'm going to do one with both of them. We'll see...

Monday, May 14, 2012


Ahhh!! I've already watched the season finale three times... the "Watch Again" button is becoming my best friend. Haha. Love this epi! September can't get here fast enough! Can't wait for season 2!


"I just talked to the evil queen and Rumplestiltskin about a quest to find magic. I can't do it August. I can't. No normal person can." ~Emma Swan


Watching 'A Land Without Magic' now!!! Ahh!! :)

Love the opening! Way to go, Prince Charming!!

7:15 AM

Okay, okay.... I've found a diversion - kind of. I'm going to collect pictures from 7:15 AM to do a post on AMCWAP. That epi won't be available online much longer and I'm pretty positive Madi hasn't done it yet (look how long it took her to get 'The Stable Boy' pictures - and we haven't even gotten to see them yet! I'll have to fuss her. Haha). Alright, let's see if this works.... ;)

Season Finale (again)

Oh my.... I just now had to make myself not read's recap of 'A Land Without Magic.' I'm desperate to find out what happened but I want to watch it for myself... AHHH!!!! Can it be 5 AM already???

A Land Without Magic

Oh my gosh! I still haven't seen it (obviously)!!! I'm going crazy! I just read that David and Mary Margaret remember everything about FTL?!? Aww...I'm about to cry just thinking of how sweet that scene has to be! I mean, I cried on the part of 'Heart of Darkness' when Snow got her memories of Charming back... Wow! This episode is going to be EPIC!!!! I can't wait to watch it!!! Four hours until it'll be online! :)

AND... SEASON 2 WILL PREMIERE THIS FALL!!!! Super excited!!!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

I'm Going Insane!!

Ahhh!!! The season finale of Once Upon A Time is airing right now on TV and I cannot watch it.... so depressed. :(

What's happening?? I got on ABC's ONCE discussion page and apparently Emma is fighting a dragon... For real? I can't believe I am missing this!! And what about Henry? Is he still unconscious from Regina's apple? AHHH!!!! Can't wait until tomorrow so I can watch it online!!

Red-Handed Pictures on AMCWAP

Just did a new post with over 100 pictures from Red-Handed. >>Check it out!<<


Today's the day!! Just about 12 more hours! :) Once Upon A Time's first season is coming to a close. I'm starting to have mixed emotions about this... Of course I'm extremely excited and want to find out what happens -- what kind of Oncer isn't or doesn't?!? But I'm sad that ONCE is over for now. At least season 2 is supposed to air next fall! And, from what I've read, a DVD set of season 1 is to be released sometime in the fall as well. Yay!

Enjoy the first season finale of ONCE, my friends. And "HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!"

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Tomorrow, Tomorrow...

It's only a day away! :D Once Upon A Time's season finale, 'A Land Without Magic,' premiers tomorrow night on ABC at 8pm EST.

Oh, and Josh Dallas (aka Prince Charming) will be tweeting live during the epi! So, visit his twitter page (@JoshDallas) or you can read Josh Dallas's tweets via (CLICK HERE!).

So incredibly excited!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) Although, I have to wait until Monday to watch it - which totally stinks. My TV decided to stop working and I haven't figured out the problem yet. :( But when I do watch it, I'll be posting quotes, maybe a few pictures, and definitely my thoughts!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Sneak Peek Photo
Aww, this picture makes me want to cry... Emma's face - she's so heartbroken. Aww. Poor Henry. :( So can't wait for 'A Land Without Magic'!

Click the pic to go to and see more sneak peek photos!

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Just watched the promo video for 'A Land Without Magic'!! Now I'm dying to watch it even more so than before!! Can't wait for Sunday!

"If he dies, so do you." -Emma Swan
Poor Henry! Oh my gosh! And Regina used the last of her magic to get the apple... so there's no way Henry will be okay unless the curse is broken by Emma.

"A year of heartbreak and wonder." Yeah, among other things... :)

(If the video isn't working... CLICK HERE!)

An Apple Red As Blood - Yes, Again :)

"I didn't come for dinner."   "What did you come for?"   "You. We all did."
Haha! 'An Apple Red As Blood' is totally my favorite epi right now! I couldn't even tell you how many times I've watched - definitely WAY too many!! :)

So excited for 'A Land Without Magic'! :D

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Regina: "Did you know apples stand for health and wisdom?"
Snow: "So why do I get the feeling that one might kill me?"

Quick Quote

August: "You're a smart kid."
Henry: "And you're Pinocchio!"
<3 Love this show!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

This Isn't Working Very Well...

I'm trying to watch 'An Apple Red As Blood' to get pictures and quotes for AMCWAP... but I keep getting so caught in the epi that I forget I'm supposed to be writing down quotes and saving pictures. Ahh, haha! I know it's my own fault... or maybe it's just a good excuse to keep watching it!

True story :) I have probably watched the first eight minutes about twenty times... Hulu is about to play a commercial and I'm like, "Wait!!! I didn't any quotes or pictures!!" Haha... If at first you don't succeed... WATCH IT AGAIN!


>>CLICK HERE<< to check out my latest post on AMCWAP!! :) Red-Handed pictures will prob be posted over there sometime in the near future... I'll be sure to let you know when they are!

An Apple Red As Blood

Rewatching 'An Apple Red As Blood' to get pictures and quotes for AMCWAP. I know I won't be able to make it through that epi again without crying... Haha! We'll see. ;)

Once Upon A Time...

There was a girl who fell in love with the most amazing TV show ever created... and it didn't help that Josh Dallas played Prince Charming. :)

Oh, yeah. That's the truth!

Am I Crazy?

I turned on '7:15 AM' and, about ten seconds into it, they showed Henry and I started crying (well, I teared up). I couldn't help but thinking of the end of 'An Apple Red As Blood.' :( So sad....

Just Chillin'

Snuggled up with my puppy and a bowl of chocolate-covered strawberry ice cream while watching ONCE. I am one happy girl! :D

I Love OUAT! :)

ONE MORE WEEK!!! Can't wait for 'A Land Without Magic'!! If 'An Apple Red As Blood' made me get so into it that I was screaming at my computer and literally in tears at the end, what will the season finale do to me?? Haha

Monday, May 7, 2012

Previous Updates....

Here are the few things that I had posted on AMCWAP:

5/7/12 @ 1:12pm
OH MY WORD!!!!!!! Henry!!!!!! I am seriously hyperventilating!!!! Oh my, oh my, oh my gosh!!! I can't believe it!!!! :( I'm DYING to watch the season finale! I can't wait a week!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!!

5/7/12 @ 1:06pm
"I'm sure I don't have to remind you that all magic comes with a price." -Mr. Gold
It's our title quote!

5/7/12 @ 12:18pm
An Apple Red As Blood is AMAZING!!!!!! Oh my gosh! I'm only a few minutes into it and I've already screamed several times.. Haha

5/7/12 @ 2:34am
"You're the mayor's kid?" "Uh, maybe." <3

5/7/12 @ 2:31am
Oh my word! I love Henry!
"Do you have any juice? Never mind, found some!"
"I'm calling the cops." "And I'll tell them you kidnapped me." "And they'll believe you because I'm your birth mother."
"Oh, kid, you've got problems." "Yep, and you're gonna fix them."

5/7/12 @ 2:23am
Cinnamon hot chocolate and Once Upon A Time's pilot episode. I think yes! :)

Hello, Hello!

Welcome to my newest blog! Yesterday...or actually it was 2 o'clock this morning... I decided to post quick updates (like Twitter or Facebook) on AMCWAP but the way I had it set up I had to type in the date and time and everything... It just took too long. Haha! Anyway, I decided to create a blog just for my little updates and such. This way, it'll be easy for me to post quickly and I won't be crowding up AMCWAP with all my posts. ;)

Hope you all enjoy!
~Megan Elizabeth